Many times I have heard photographers say that we are problem solvers and I agree with that statement, however I prefer to see each problem as an opportunity. I could be on an outdoor shoot where I'm at the mercy of the elements or maybe on a badly lit interior shoot. To me this just means it's time to break out some umbrellas or pull in some extra lights and to get creative, working with the surroundings rather than against them. If we want a controlled environment then we can retreat to the studio. 

Ignoring the advice that photographers should stick to shooting one or two genres, I have decided (for the moment, at least) to push myself and not to turn down any photography challenge that arises.

I have found that every kind of photography I have undertaken thus far has had elements of skill that I can use in other areas.

While it may be nice to shoot just what is familiar to me, I fear getting into a rut, shooting the same subjects with the same lighting and in the same style. 

That is not to say I will just stumble blindly into photographing a new subject. I spend a lot of time researching before each shoot.
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To book a shoot now, use the hassle-free online form, call me on 07904 904812.

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